Laurie Coleman, Tri-Valley’s Head Start, Child and Family Programs Director, was invited to the Minnesota State Capital on Wednesday, August 7 for the announcement of the Children’s Cabinet re-launch. Coleman was invited as a key partner in making Minnesota the best state for each and every child. She currently serves on the Early Child Reform Committee and the BUILD Initiative.
The executive order to reestablish a Children’s Cabinet will make children’s issues a more visible priority in Walz’s administration. The Children’s Cabinet works to bring efficiency and effectiveness to state government efforts to improve child and youth outcomes. The work of the Cabinet can also involve collaboration with counties, local communities and other stakeholders. It will better align state services related to children and their families, including education, health care, childcare and housing. For more information about Minnesota’s Children’s Cabinet visit https://mn.gov/governor/administration/childrenscabinet/.
The Early Childhood Reform Committee operates in an advisory capacity to state agencies and was established in response to a lack of equitable opportunity which has caused significant disparities in developmental outcomes for children prenatally through age 8. The committee’s goal is to ensure children and families are receiving the supports they need in a manner that encourages their optimal growth and development and eliminates racial disparities in program access and outcomes.
The BUILD Initiative works with early childhood leaders within states and nationally to better prepare young children to thrive and succeed. The Initiative helps state leaders develop an early childhood system – programs, services and policies tailored to the needs of the state’s unique young child population.