Tri-Valley Opportunity Council, Inc’s Head Start, Child and Family Programs is excited to announce the opening of a Migrant and Seasonal Head Start center in Worthington. The center plans to open on Monday, June 8 and offer services through Wednesday, August 26 and will be located at 713 10th St.
Migrant Head Start (Region XII) programs offer comprehensive child development programming for children birth through five and their families. Services are developed collaboratively among staff, parents, and community partners in order to meet the mission, “to cultivate life-long learning in children and families” and in a way that accommodates the participant’s culture.
The Migrant Head Start program has a long tradition of delivering comprehensive and high-quality services designed to foster healthy development in low-income children. The Migrant Head Start program provides a range of individualized services in the areas of education and early childhood development; medical, dental, and mental health; nutrition; and parent involvement. In addition, the entire range of Migrant Head Start services is responsive and appropriate to each child’s and family’s developmental, ethnic, cultural, and linguistic heritage and experience.
The center is currently recruiting children and pregnant women for services and taking applications for qualified candidates in various positions including center manager, teachers, bus drivers, bus monitors, custodian, and assistant cook. The center manager position needs to be filled now. Seasonal position applicants will be interviewed in April and start work in May.
For more information on receiving services or applying for available positions, please call Stacy Wachsmuth (Program Operations Manager) at 952-997-4879 or visit www.tvoc.org.