For over 40 years, the Midwest Migrant Education Resource Center (MMERC) has provided curriculum materials, technical assistance, and in-services to migrant personnel. It has accumulated over 15,000 materials which it loans at no cost to clients.
The MMERC has had a very positive influence on the type of materials used with migratory students. Nearly half of the migratory students are also English learners (EL), the MMERC follows research-based best practices and, besides books, has many hands-on, visual games and content skills materials. The collection also contains many Spanish and bilingual texts and culturally appropriate materials. MMERC materials are sent via United Parcel Service (UPS) to clients free of charge and we also pay for the return shipping. These tried-and-true services and distribution methods have benefited our partner states.
Minnesota migrant dollars have funded the services and resources of the MMERC since 1983. The purpose of this grant is to transition, scale and operate the MMERC at Tri Valley Opportunity Council. This grant supports procurement and dissemination of age-appropriate, culturally-relevant instructional and support resources for migrant education students and programs in Minnesota school districts in order to ensure MDE’s compliance with federal regulations for Title I, Part C as set forth in the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. In addition, MMERC provides direct support to secondary students and out of school youth which results in successful completion of credits needed to graduate.
Goals and Outcomes
Goal #1: Provide instructional and support resources to school districts and charter schools and migratory children and families. Resources come from both external partners as well as through MMERC.
Goal #2: Provide direct support to families and LEAs in using instructional and support resources and materials.
Goal #3: Providing direct support to secondary students and out of school youth which results in successful completion of credits needed to graduate.
MMERC Online Catalog: Browse our resources here!
Questions? Call 1-800-890-4853 or email – mmerc@tvoc.org