Lego StoryStarter
Lego StoryStarter Base Core Set
Lego brick set that includes curriculum and software. Students work together to create and build stories, use software to photograph, write, and publish. Expand the Story Starter Core set with the addition of community-themed Lego pieces. Recommended for Primary and
Intermediate grade levels.
Community Expansion Set
Number of students served per set: 4-5 students
Story Starter Key Learning Values
• Determine themes of text and summarize key details and ideas
• Integrate and evaluate content presented in many forms
• Assess how point of view shapes the content and style of a text Writing
• Write narratives about real or imagined experiences
• Draw evidence from texts to support analysis, reflection, and research
• Show command of the conventions of English Speaking and Listening
• Prepare for and participate in conversations with others Technology
• Use technology to produce and publish writing
• Use digital media and visual displays to express information learned
MMERC Online Catalog: Browse our resources here!
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