Lego EV3 Core Set
Educational Resources Lego EV3 Core Set and Software
Lego EV3 Core Set and Software
Lego brick set, software and curriculum. It enables students to build, program and test their solutions based on real-life robotics technology. Recommended for ages 12+
EV3 Expansion Set
Additional special pieces to help students build larger and more complex models.
Extension: Renewable Energy (Advanced)
Students will explore solar, wind, and water energies and use measurements and data analysis to describe outcomes. Includes Lego components, teacher’s notes, student worksheets and real life images. Recommended ages 10+
Number of students served per set: 3-4 students
EV3 Key Learning Values
• Controlling speed and power using a motor
• Working with gear ratios
• Using data from specialized sensors such as rotation, sound, light, ultrasonic, and touch
• Programming and controlling input and output devices
• Using wireless communication Engineering
• Brainstorming solutions
• Choosing a solution, building it, testing it, evaluating it, and revising it Mathematics
• Using data involving distance, time, turning angle, degrees of rotation, sound volume, reflected and ambient light, and gear ratios
• Converting between decimals and fractions and between metric and customary units
• Practicing applied math
You may order kits digitally!
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