Interstate and Intrastate Coordination

Section 1304(b)(3) requires SEAs to use MEP funds to promote interstate and intrastate coordination of services to migratory children. This effort must include, but is not limited to, providing educational continuity through the timely transfer of pertinent school records, including health information, when children move from one school to another, and whether or not such moves occur during the regular school year. Interstate and intrastate coordination helps reduce the effects of educational disruption that migratory children experience as a result of repeated moves. 34 C.F.R. § 200.85 was designed to facilitate timely school enrollment, grade and course placement, accrual of secondary course credits, and participation in the MEP for migratory children. These regulations were necessary for the Department of Education to effectively implement the requirement in section 1308(b) of ESEA that the Secretary of Education ensure the linkage of migrant student record systems and for the effective implementation of the MEP by States and LOAs serving migratory children.
A State meets its requirements for student records transfer by participating in the Migrant Student Information Exchange (MSIX), the nationwide system administered by the Department of Education for linking and exchanging specified educational and health information for all migratory children. 34 C.F.R. § 200.85 (referred to as the MSIX regulations) requires SEAs to collect, maintain, and submit to MSIX 76 Minimum Data Elements (MDEs) and otherwise exchange and use that information to facilitate enrollment, placement, accrual of secondary credits towards graduation and MEP participation.
Eagle Pass, Texas Parent Advisory Council Meeting 10.26.2022