(Crookston, Minn.)- Minnesota Council of Nonprofits will host a lunch and learn entitled “The Importance of the 2020 Census” at Tri-Valley Opportunity Council, Inc. in Crookston (102 N. Broadway) on Thursday, October 10 from 12:00 – 1:00 pm.
The objectives of the lunch and learn are to understand the role of the Decennial Census in the geographic distribution of funds, to discuss the development of internal strategies within your organization that can develop a culture of civic participation, to learn about the census timeline, to learn about census updates, and to brainstorm census outreach efforts. There will also be a discussion and information shared about MCN census grants of up to $5,000 to support mobilization and education efforts.
Session Background: The census is part of democracy that matters to all Minnesotans. 15 billion dollars that are currently allocated to Minnesota by the U.S. are at stake. This critical funding supports programs like Medicaid, highway planning, and programs that aid low-income households, rural communities, and communities of color. Every person we count matters and contributes to our beautiful and vibrant community.
Speaker Bio: Michelle Chang is the policy and equity coordinator at MCN. Her primary focus is building power around Census 2020 in partnership with MCN’s many nonprofit members. She also works internally to ensure that policies and procedures center around ending disparities in power, money, access, and more.
If you have any questions about the lunch and learn, please contact Ashley Charwood, Northwest Minnesota regional coordinator, at acharwood@minnesotanonprofits.org or 218-407-5202.
The Minnesota Council of Nonprofits (MCN) was founded in 1987 to meet the increasing information needs of nonprofits and to convene nonprofits to address issues facing the sector. It is the largest state association of nonprofits in the U.S. Through MCN, nonprofits join together across interest areas to work on issues of common concern to all.