Nutrition Services
Nutrition Assessments
The purpose of the nutrition assessment is to assess the nutritional well-being of children enrolled in Head Start using an intentional and educational approach. It also serves as a way to facilitate ongoing communication between parents/guardians, education staff, health team members, and child nutrition staff to ensure that nutritional needs are being met.
Parents/guardians will be given a packet of information and will be able to request additional nutrition information, if they so choose. Parents/guardians can also request a meeting with our Child Nutrition Service Manager to discuss nutrition concerns specific to their child/children.
Heights and Weights
Breastfed Babies Welcome Here!
If a mother chooses to give her baby breastmilk, she is welcome to breastfeed at any of Tri-Valley’s centers or can provide expressed or pumped breastmilk for her baby.
Breastmilk is the best source of nutrition for babies. It is the only food healthy babies need for about the first 6 months of their lives. Breastmilk is easy to digest and helps keep babies healthy by boosting the baby’s immune system. A mother’s breastmilk is made for her baby and contains just the right amounts of nutrients. As the baby grows and changes, the mother’s breastmilk also changes. This helps the baby get the nutrients he or she needs to stay healthy and grow. Babies from birth to around 6 months typically, do not need extra water or foods added to the bottle ‘ such as infant cereal.
Breastmilk is still important for babies even after solid foods, also known as complementary foods, are started. Babies should continue to receive breastmilk until their first birthday or longer.