Tri-Valley in Crookston Adjusting Summer Administrative Office Building Hours

(Crookston, Minn.)- Beginning June 7 through August 30, the Tri-Valley Administrative Office building will be closed to the public at noon on Fridays. The agency will be open and operating within its regular business hours and Tri-Valley programs and staff can still be reached through email and by phone at 800-584-7020 or 218-281-5832. Tri-Valley’s regular

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2023 Honorary Head Start Hero Laurie Coleman (December 8, 1961 – January 12, 2023)

The Minnesota Head Start Association sponsors a recognition program each year that honors members of the Minnesota Head Start community who overcame tremendous challenges and achieved personal and family success. These children, families, alumni and staff members have been selected by the MHSA Scholarships and Awards Committee based on compelling, personal testimonies about their Head

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